Fuel cell technology is the production of electricity generated from fuel that is oxidized through electrochemical energy conversion. Many stationary energy storage systems include solid oxide fuel cells and PEM electrolyzers that enable them to operate efficiently. To meet the increasing demand for alternative energy sources, eco-friendly and reliable materials are needed for their assembly.
Fuel cell manufacturers and assemblers who are bonding, gasketing, coating, and sealing parts in SOFC and PEM fuel cells and solid oxide electrolyzers need solutions that prevent degradation due to high operating temperatures, the ability to join different substrates, and provide stability during operation.
Dymax light-curable, one-part eco-friendly adhesives, coatings, and gasket sealants cure fast, improving manufacturing speeds, increasing product yield, and reducing WIP, inventory, and costs.
Our products include adhesives that form strong bonds to enhance components' structural integrity and mechanical support, gasket sealants that shield assemblies from contaminants and prevent leaks, and encapsulants and coatings that protect electronics and stake surfaces from extreme environmental conditions.