Orthopedic Implants & Surgical Instruments

Orthopedic Masking Materials

Orthopedic Masking Materials

SpeedMask® Maskants for Orthopaedic Implant Surface Treatment

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High-Temperature pink maskant for thermal-spray coating with resistance to blast media. This maskant cures tack-free upon exposure to UV/Visible light to form hard, durable bonds on substrate surfaces. Maskant is easily removed by incineration.
Highly visible green maskant with good surface protection during plating and aggressive grit blasting, shot-peening, and anodizing processes. 100% organic, this thixotropic gel cures upon exposure to UV/Visible light and easily removed by peeling after a hot water soak.
UV/Visible light-curable, 100% organic blue maskant provides excellent surface protection during chemical milling and harsh-environment processing. This material is impervious to most acid and alkali solutions. When used as a temporary protective coating, the product replaces environmentally hazardous and time-consuming solvent- or water-based maskants
Bright yellow, fluorescing maskant with excellent surface protection during vibratory finishing, plating, shot-peening, anodizing, and aggressive grit blasting. This 100% organic thixotropic gel exhibits high adhesion, and cures quickly. The masking resin is trimmable after cure, is easily peeled off with a hot-water soak and leaves no residue on surfaces when properly cured.
UV-curable, green thixotropic gel maskant is sprayable onto components and resilient to blasting media. This maskant is a 100% organic masking resin that cures quickly and is easily removed by incineration.
UV/Visible light-curable blue maskant provides good surface protection during harsh chemical environment processes. This product is impervious to most acid and alkali solutions. The masking resin is trimmable after cure and can be peeled off.
High-temperature maskant with color change from purple to pink upon cure. This maskant provides excellent surface protection during higher temperature thermal spray coating, plasma spray, HVOF, and aggressive grit blasting processes. This 100% organic resin cures upon exposure to UV/Visible light and is easily removed by incineration.

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