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Ideal for Curing Thermally Sensitive Materials.
Dymax Corporation has announced the launch of their newest WIDECURE® conveyor system designed to offer consistent, fast, and safe curing.
Dymax Corporation offers ACCU-CAL™ 160, a new radiometer that simplifies validation and monitoring of UV or LED light-curing up to 10W/cm2 emitted from stationary light-curing flood lamps or lamps used in conveyorized processes.
Dymax Corporation introduced the BlueWave® MX-150™ - a new smaller LED spot-curing system with unique curing flexibility.
Dymax Curing System Configurations Ideal for Post-Cure Processes or Rework
Dymax Corporation’s UVCS LED light-curing conveyor system offers consistent, fast, safe, and efficient LED curing.
Flexible Design Allows for Wide Range of Spray-Pattern Adjustment
Prevents Contamination During Dispensing Process
Dymax Corporation has introduced the new SG-200 Super-Flow Spray Gun System, designed for masking and coating applications where significantly higher flow rates are required.